Annuals: Color Combos for Your Garden Beds

Posted March 5, 2015 in Blog, Landscape Design, Plant and Tree


Some die-hard spend thrifts go by the motto, “Friends don’t let friends buy annuals.” We beg to differ! Annuals, while only around for one season unless they reseed (and many do) give you 3-5 months of continuous non-stop celebration in the garden. The investment that adds up to the price of a tiramisu latte at Starbucks is no comparison to the explosion of color they display. Following are two combinations that you may get inspiration to explore for your garden’s color palette this season.

Shade gardens need excitement since they’re always in “the shadows” and what better annuals-warm-colors-landscape designway to heighten exposure than warm colored plantings. The Fuchsia ‘Gartenmeister Bonstedt’ tolerates heat better than most fuchsia’s and brings in the hummingbirds as well with its red beacon tubular flowers. The blue-green leaves and bronze stems add more color to the plant. Allow growth of 3 feet by 3 feet in the garden by October. ‘Dipt in Wine’ coleus will stand side by side in brilliant display not leaving Gartenmeister to be adored alone. This coleus prefers well-drained soil to flourish and sun or shade. Lysimachia congestiflora ‘Walkabout Sunset’ grows at the feet of these two with its tiny yellow blooms tucked in between its yellow variegated leaves to lighten the darkest of spaces in the garden.

Sunny spots are prime places to show off a plethora of cool colors to drop the “feel annuals-cool-sun-landscape designlike” temperatures in the heat of summer. Here’s a tropical feel that will coincide with your Caribbean dreams. Three foliage plants, which can be underutilized in garden beds, are Artemisia (Dusty Miller) displaying a silver gray foliage, Alternanthera ficoidea ‘Party time’ with a hint of fuchsia variegated leaves, and Strobilanthes dyerianus (Persian Shield) iridescent purple leaves. Pinch all back to promote a bushier effect. The joining of Celosia plumes (which can be cut and dried) and Zinnias are attractive in the summer display.

With a little imagination and the price of an iced coffee, you can have a riot of color in your garden beds and those naysayer friends will never-say-never again!

If you need help with a garden design that will be the talk of the neighborhood, Joshua Gillow, award-winning landscape designer will help expedite your visions and dreams for an extraordinary space. Set up your appointment today

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