Top Five Low Maintenance Backyard Plants

Posted March 17, 2014 in Blog, Landscape Design

Everyone loves a natural beauty…unless you’re the paparazzi trying to catch bedazzled Hollywood starlets at an awards show!

Spring is just around the corner, and now is the time to start thinking about how you will improve your backyard landscaping. When it comes to great backyard design, knowing what plant to choose to best suit your goals is as important as getting that plant the appropriate sun and rain.
Low maintenance plants include those that are easy to grow and are resistant or tolerant to diseases and insects. As a bonus, these natural beauties also have outstanding ornamental value!

greenvelvetboxwood (1)“Green Velvet” Boxwood: This lush evergreen makes a great hedge. It’s resistant to rabbit and deer, and fairs well in full sun to part shade.

OttoLuykenOtto Luyken Cherry Laurel: This broadleaf evergreen is known for its fragrant white blooms, which draw birds. It also fairs well in full sun to part shade, but can tolerate heavy shade.

VincaMinorVinca Minor: Commonly known as “periwinkle,” this plant has lavender blue flowers and makes for a versatile ground cover, including a good cover for bulb beds. It’s also great at stabilizing slopes and banks, where it can help prevent erosion. 
RedWeepingJapaneseMapleRed Weeping Japanese Maple: This deciduous shrub, or small tree, is native to Japan, Korea and China. It’s a knockout in the fall, when its colors can include shades of yellow, red-purple and bronze.
LiropeLirope: Commonly known as “lily turf,” this perennial is known for its lavender blooms, which are resistant to rabbits and deer. It works great as an edging for walks, paths or driveways or as a ground cover.
If you’re looking to make your backyard more beautiful, with little maintenance contact MasterPlan Landscape Design & Installation today! We have more great landscaping ideas than Hollywood has awards shows! 
*Photos Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden

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